Friday, August 29, 2008

OBAMA accepting his Democratic Nomination

Last night Obama accepted his Democratic nomination – it was packed! He talked about change and how change happens because its what Americans want, they want new ideas and leadership. You can tell that he wants to better America when he said “America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this.” He has high hopes for turning things around by offering a better health care plan, and an education plan that would help make college more affordable, and offshore drilling. Also a point that I liked a lot was how he addressed the middle and lower classes of society, and how they need help too – the government should be helping them not hurting them. This I thought was good how he recognized this because I think that often times they get left out. Will Obama be our first black president? If so, it will be a major point in history!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bill Clinton's Speech

Bill Clinton's speech definitely shows that he is in full support of Barack Obama. As I was watching this I was thinking how weird or "interesting" it was how he used to be president, his wife was running for president and could have had that spot and both Hillary and Bill are now here talking in support of the election of Obama. Clinton kept on stating that Obama has what it takes to be president, he wants it, he's got what it takes to lead America, etc. Although he had a decent speech, I am not sure if he will have that much of an impact on persuading people to vote simply because of what happened when he was in office.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech

I watched Hillary Clinton’s speech on you tube from Tuesday night. I wish I would have seen it live on tv because the sound on you tube wasn’t that great – at all, but that’s besides the point. She was all support for Obama and supported what his goals were. Clinton was in support of ending the war in Iraq and pulling out the troops, repairing alliances around the world, health care for everyone/improvements, clean energy economy, better education and making paying for education (college) more affordable, and “To make America once again a nation of immigrants…”. I disagree with pulling troops out of Iraq. We are already in there – you can’t just suddenly pull the troops out, they will have to remain their for quite a long time to keep things stable. With the other points I do agree, especially with the immigration point – allowing them in. If we help them out by letting them work here and get paid to send money back home, they are in return helping us greatly because they are the ones who will put in the long, hard hours of labor that most people will not.