Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Did You Hear What Happened Yesterday???

"Stocks skidded Monday, with the Dow slumping nearly 778 points, in the biggest single-day point loss ever..." -CNN
The Stock Market Crashed! What happens next? Well, I guess there is only one way to go after this...and that is up. We are at the all time bottom now, so its time to re-evaluate and work our way back up again. But what does this mean for me? How will it affect me now? How will it affect me in a couple years when I am trying to get a job?

Elite Article and Political Cartoons

From the article:
I think attending an elite school aka Ivy League ... all depends on what you want to do in your profession. People all have there opinions and if they hear "President from JMU VS. President from Harvard" the one from JMU will be judged and probably not succeed. (If that makes any sense) People shouldnt be ashamed of going to an elite college - congrats your very smart!...it just depends on what you aspire to be.

I thought this cartoon was really funny especially after seeing the SNL version of the interview yesterday during class. Later on I went home and compared the actual interview with the SNL version and although it is over exaggerated it is partially true. This comic is about how they are trying to give her SOME knowledge to base her answers off of so when she is asked she can answer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

At this point who would I vote for?

At this point, if I were able to vote just based off the topic of Energy and Environment I would probably vote for Obama. I would vote for him because I agree with his plan to cut Greenhouse gas Emmisions and his "Cap and Trade" plan. McCain's tax reduction idea to make people buy fuel friendly cars is a good idea however even with the reduction there may be families who still will be unable to afford them or they may have other priorities. Back to why I would vote for Obama...I also liked how he wants to lower fuel prices because that is a topic that directly affects me (about once a week at the gas station!) lowering fuel prices will benefit me because I wont have to spend so much on gas and I can save that money.

Monday, September 8, 2008


My results came out to be....liberal. I can kind of agree with this statement but then again...i could also be understanding of me being conservative. I have been tending to agree with points from both political parties. I am open to change in some aspects. I don't agree with some of the things it said. For example, if I remember correctly it said something about Religion playing a lesser role when it came down to making a final decision...I think it plays a great role in people and their morals, how they were raised, how they are as a person, how they go about doing things, etc - I am not (by far) the most religious person - however I believe it is important. In the end I can see some reasons why i would be liberal but I dont think its very accurate.

Important political issue that matters to me...

I don't have one specific issue that matters to me. I think some important ones are prices, illegal immigration, and the war in Iraq.

Prices of things and the war in Iraq are tied together. We have been over there for along time, which means we are spending alot of money on it - which is affecting prices of EVERYTHING and as a 17 year old who drives, it really sucks having to pay $55 bucks to fill up my tank. I am limited to working after school and weekends (which yes, I do have two jobs and work 6 days a week..) but most of that money is going towards gas, when I am now trying to save some extra cash for college. Now i understand how we cant just pull out of Iraq, we do have to stay there to provide some stability - but, there has got to be some alternative....something to help the economy.

Another issue is that of illegal immigration. I understand how people don't want them to take all our jobs that WE need. HOWEVER, in the end ... they are the one's who will do the hard manual labor, they are the ones who will work from before sunrise to after sunset, they are the ones who will come in when everyone else is vacationing for holidays, they are the ones....People also need to take that aspect into consideration every time they bash immigrants.

McCain's RNC Speech

At this point, if I had to vote in the 2008 election, I am not sure who I would vote for. I always pictured myself voting for Obama but after watching McCain's speech...who knows? I thought he had a very strong speech.

After his many "thank yous" he started to talk about Sarah Palin. She seems to have a strong background and knowledge about what her role would be in society. She was and still is a normal person who has had to work hard to get to the point she is at today. Palin's list of accomplishments goes on and on - Dealing with problems such as energy independence and corruption, budgets, tax cuts, reached out to ALL political parties to work for her. Personally, what I thinks her even more well rounded is she has a family, she is a wife, a mother to 5 children - so as McCain stated "...she knows what its like to worry about mortgage payments, and health care, and the cost of gasoline and groceries." This shows that she is...normal and can bring to the table what a vast majority of the world is also concerned with. McCain also described her as a strong person, she doesn't back away from a hard fight, she stands up for what she believes in - which is also a great characteristic. I dont think people take her seriously or have faith/trust in her for two simple reasons: 1) she is a woman and 2) she has a unmarried 17 year old daughter who is pregnant. Gender doesn't play any major roles in my mind. However I can completely understand how it does make her look bad. Then again, she is human too, she along with everyone else has her own problems that she has to deal with.