Monday, September 8, 2008

Important political issue that matters to me...

I don't have one specific issue that matters to me. I think some important ones are prices, illegal immigration, and the war in Iraq.

Prices of things and the war in Iraq are tied together. We have been over there for along time, which means we are spending alot of money on it - which is affecting prices of EVERYTHING and as a 17 year old who drives, it really sucks having to pay $55 bucks to fill up my tank. I am limited to working after school and weekends (which yes, I do have two jobs and work 6 days a week..) but most of that money is going towards gas, when I am now trying to save some extra cash for college. Now i understand how we cant just pull out of Iraq, we do have to stay there to provide some stability - but, there has got to be some alternative....something to help the economy.

Another issue is that of illegal immigration. I understand how people don't want them to take all our jobs that WE need. HOWEVER, in the end ... they are the one's who will do the hard manual labor, they are the ones who will work from before sunrise to after sunset, they are the ones who will come in when everyone else is vacationing for holidays, they are the ones....People also need to take that aspect into consideration every time they bash immigrants.

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